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Presentación de fan 2 Yaoi

Je suis une super fan de Yaoi, et sur cette page je vous partage les meilleurs DA et Tumblr de Yaoi que j'ai trouvé ! Peace & Yaoiiiii ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ !!! Attention je ne suis pas la dessinatrice, je ne fais que partager !

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Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 16
Puntos de Traductor: 4



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Blog de fan 2 Yaoi

Terra - Kingdom Hearts

by because-b

De yummy-yaoi - Post original



I had this done by the amazing http://airow5213.tumblr.com/ again. as always he does fantastic work. 

De yummy-yaoi - Post original



Took a chance at commissioning ariow5213 (http://airow5213.tumblr.com/) to see what he can make of the rivalry between my 2 favorite makes and giving him mostly free hand on it beside telling him I want them to compare each other.

so here are the results ;)

a bit of a different kind of content to what I usually post but hope some might like it.

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


Jann Lee and Hayate - Dead or Alive

by blodiax123

play the game here (DOA Game)

De yummy-yaoi - Post original



them nights when you wish someone was just laid next to you cuddling you or just fucking the shit out of you

De yummy-yaoi - Post original



Comission for Rukazisintakumo5~

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


page 1 cover page

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pages 1 - 8

Even when the Third Generation is useless by Mentaiko

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


page 9

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page 17

pages 9 - 16

Even when the Third Generation is useless by Mentaiko

De yummy-yaoi - Post original



Even when the third generation is useless by Mentaiko

De yummy-yaoi - Post original

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